New Old Bike and a Local Kayak Ride
19 September 2009
Charlie has a new bike---an old one of Jim's, with the seat lowered.
Watching Charlie ride off today, I've been realizing how his legs had become way too long for his old red bike.
Jim wanted to try a kayak ride in a nearby (not too deep) river. After he and I had gotten the kayak into the water, Charlie said "no, no, all done" and walked very fast in the direction of the car. Jim and I agreed, it must be disconcerting for him to see the kayak in a new locale and not at the beach. So Jim paddled off and I went to the car, holding a paddle. Charlie reached for it and pulled it into the back seat where he'd already put his seatbelt on. I explained that Jim was just going to spend some time paddling in the river and we'd wait, and starting grading some student papers. After ten minutes, I felt the car rock a bit and the sounds of shoes sliding on the back seat vinyl. On turning around, I saw Charlie, paddle in hand, heading to the river.
Jim came back, Charlie climbed in, and off they went. He did a little paddling, too.
They were gone long enough for me to finish my grading and start reading about the Phoenicians, who knew a thing or two about boats themselves.
Oh my!!!
All of this accomplished without a helmet!!!
And no need for 4 people to do a "takedown"!!!
What is the world coming to...
Posted by: Club 166 | 20 September 2009 at 06:28
Kristina, this is exactly the sort of thing "Elf" would do, except that he is verbal. He would get very upset. If you wait for a bit in a calm place, you'd be surprised how he can adjust to the idea on his own. Thank you for posting this; it's lovely.
Posted by: Mrs. C | 20 September 2009 at 07:26
Well, Charlie is verbal, too, but I meant that Elf would give you an entire verbal essay about it. Well, you knew what I meant. :P
Posted by: Mrs. C | 20 September 2009 at 07:27
Oh, I love this! I love that you gave Charlie the choice and the time to make a decision for himself. Way to go Charlie!!!
Posted by: Christine | 20 September 2009 at 07:44
It's all about acclimation and making your own decisions. Just like it is with everyone.
I'm glad Jim has the time to devote to these outdoor activities with Charlie. It's just about the best thing parents can do with their kids, in my opinion.
Posted by: Emily | 20 September 2009 at 11:23
@Emily, it means a lot to Jim to be able to do these things with Charlie.....I'll just say, Jim's dad didn't do these sort of things with him! Both of my guys do good when they're in motion, preferably when water is involved.
@Christine and Mrs. C., I figured, Charlie's certainly communicating his thoughts and how important is it that he gets in a kayak; best to remain calm and at ease.
@club166, well, he is wearing the helmet on his bike but I guess that would be an "appropriate" use of a helmet.....
Posted by: Kristina Chew | 20 September 2009 at 11:33
What Joe said.
Nice post - and a telling antidote to other less positive current events. (Gosh they look like they're having fun.)
Warm regards.
Posted by: Regina | 20 September 2009 at 15:40
Reading about Charlie cycling and kayaking literally puts a smile on my face - a much cheesier one than this :-)
You are so right to think about how important it is anyway, and let Charlie make his own mind for these things (I get fed up with hearing the word compliance)
Posted by: Emma | 20 September 2009 at 21:23
Totally out of line -- but do you think you can persuade Charlie & Jim to wear life vests, even in the very shallow river?
[it is one of my little obsessions, the life vests when boating]
Posted by: Liz Ditz | 25 September 2009 at 20:11