Post-Irene Clean-Up
29 August 2011
Our modest north-central New Jersey town apparently suffered some of the worst damage in our county in Hurricane Irene. We've been too lucky: Some 1,200 homes have sustained flood damage as has the police station (they had to evacuate) and many, many people aren't planning to have electricity till Labor Day next Monday. We heard the the hurricane had led to 100 roads being closed; as Jim looped around streets and away from police barricades and tape -- beyond which we could see one fallen tree after another -- he commented we must have found at least 40 roads closed just near where we live. Traffic lights are dark all over so getting out of all town has required severe road-maneuvering.
It's been beyond disconcerting to Charlie. As we drove past a very changed landscape, he has been sitting quietly in the backseat of the white car and turning on the Wiggles
And then, being Charlie, he took things into his own hands Monday morning.
We had, like all of our neighbors, piled sticks and branches by the curb for the town to pick up, when it finishes hauling away trees, clearing debris, bailing out the police station. We had moved the black car into the driveway Saturday night.
Yesterday morning, Charlie surveyed the yard and then started picking up sticks and branches and piling them on our law, with a big smile. Jim came out and Charlie said 'yes, yes' and then (with Jim prompting) 'black car.'
Charlie wanted some order restored.
I backed the white car out and Jim put the black one back on the street. Then Jim started moving the tree debris from the lawn and the front of the car to behind it (so, when the town's maintenance workers can actually see it). 'No,' said Charlie. 'No.'
But he eventually let us pile the sticks and branches half on the sidewalk and half in the street, rather than on the grass.
And then, with things looking a bit more like they should, Charlie called for a bike ride and ran to get his bike helmet.