Moon and Its Misbegettings
OCD and the ER

Switching the Music

A pair


Wednesday was the third day in a row for Charlie not feeling so good and having a tough day at school and, after a good bike ride, strugging at home. He's seemed caught in a glum rut; it's certainly happened before, that he has had a series of tough days and sometimes I think the only thing to do is to wait for things, for time, to pass.

After getting suddenly, very upset in the early evening, we found ourselves all sitting in a rather tense way, Charlie in the black chair. He kept saying 'iPad' and it seemed time for him to hear something besides the few albums (Disney in particular) he has been playing over and over (a sign of him being troubled). I turned on 'The Who, why not and we all sat together for several minutes, just listening to (as Charlie echoed our words) 'different music.'

'It's the Who,' said Jim.

'Who,' said Charlie.

Good, if not easy, to introduce a break in the order.


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