Working Papers
Et mane et vespere

Finally, Spring Break

Charlie is now on Spring Break. Hee's been anticipating it for the past three weeks, with a surge of worry this past week (as manifested in him having some bouts of hyperactivity manic running in the house and not sleeping till late since Tuesday).

While all of New Jersey seemed to take the same week (the one before Easter) off for the break, school districts here in California seem to have it at different times -- a couple of weeks ago, last week. I'm suspicioning that Charlie has picked up on talk about all these Spring Breaks and it's added to his usual worry load. 

Jim will of course be home every day, Charlie's teacher sent home a big calendar, I'm making some photo choice cards and am planning to work from home a bit next week.

It's simpler than previous Spring Breaks when Jim and I tag-teamed being home to care for Charlie inbetween teaching classes and other work. I'm still remembering the meandering drives I took Charlie on through places we used to live in New Jersey, an eye on the clock till a certain restaurant opened and I could get him the shrimp chow fun he called for soon as he woke up, and the break when all our bookshelves came down.



Today is day 8 of Spring Break for us. It's been a little long, but between a couple respite overnights, extra time with an older sister, and some long walks in the park, we've made it. Next year, when he'll be an only child, might be rough, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

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